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A Roster of Coaches?

Have you ever been on a sports team?  If so, then you can probably remember your good coaches and your average coaches.  I hope you did not have a bad coach, I have and it is memorable…


Have you ever been a coach on a sports team?  If so, then you probably know who the coachable people are and who are less flexible to your coaching approach.


Have you ever been given the opportunity to manage or lead a team of people in your professional endeavors?  What about social or religious circles?  Chance are there is a substantial amount of overlap when it comes to coaching and the roles you play here too.



Over the past few years I have been able to welcome a number of professionals that have coached me in various aspects of my life – all aimed at helping me improve upon things.

All of these coaches were welcomed into my life outside of my employer and the associated benefits that I enjoy as an employee.  In some cases, I likely could have received coverage for those coaching services, and in other instances – there was zero chance of being able to have these expenses covered.



I have had every single coach enter my life as a result of a direct referral, and in a couple of cases – these referrals were seemingly accidental and coincidental.


A quick note about the difference between a therapist or counselor and a coach.


I believe a therapist is aiming to help someone with an illness and possibly some underlying trauma.  There are well established rules of conduct and of practice given the nature of the therapy involved.  Professional certifications are required to perform these services.


I believe coaching is aiming to also help someone, but in a very different manner.  The coach is working on removing things that are blocking the best version of yourself all aiming to unleash the power you already possess.


For example, a psychologist is going to assist with overcoming an illness for someone that is not completely healthy.  This is analogous to your primary care physician.

Now let’s take a look at an executive coach, these types of folks are going to work with someone that is healthy in terms of mental/spiritual makeup.  They are looking to unleash an ever better version of yourself.  If you are already reasonably health, and you retain a personal trainer to help you jump start your physical health – they will get you advancing even faster than you likely could on your own.  Same deal here.  Building upon a baseline of success is the idea.




In a corporate environment, there is absolutely a role for coaching as a leadership style and many of the best leaders/bosses I  have had – were naturals at pulling me aside to say where I had a blind spot.  They were focused on helping me build upon my strengths while also calling a more mindful approach to the forefront for myself as I worked for them.


This is my preferred leadership style as well.  Leadership styles are another thing I have been studying a bit more recently.  I can tell you what sorts of leadership styles I truly enjoy employing and receiving, and I know which ones that do NOT resonate with me.  This is definitely another future post – I have a lot to say about this topic.



Okay so back to coaches.  Let me run through the roster of coaches that I have enjoyed over the last few years in a loose order:


So that’s nearly all of the coaching services I’ve retained over the past three years.  This is a shit ton of help, make no mistake.  This does not include the additional classes I have taken say at Stanford (again on my own time/dime), or Mindvalley, or some other providers that I’ll get into in a future post.  (is that 3 future posts promised today?)


This also does not include the clergy in my life.  My partner in crime that is pulling me aside with gifts of insight.  My colleagues at work.  My parents and siblings.  My mentors.  My close personal friends that are just amazing people that are incredibly insightful, and they have been with me throughout the best and worst days along the way.


This does not include my virtual business coach, which is another paid service/course.  This does not include my personal lawyer and accountant out of Boston – in many ways he’s kicked my ass a few times in the past few years as I have built up my family and business interests.  Nor does this include my personal financial advisory team.  This does not include an author or two that I have met or reached directly as a result of a book tour that stopped by here in DFW over the past few years.  Being able to connect with a few key players that have done some of the things I’m building towards has been just incredible.


Then there are a few communities that I belong to online that also are enlisted in helping to further everyone within the community.  A couple of these communities are open communities out on Reddit, while others are closed at the moment due to new membership being closed.



Hockey being the ultimate team game – I love this pic!


The point of this article is this – none of us can do this alone.


Coaches are there to help us if we are open to their help.  Coaches are truly aiming to chip away the limiting garbage that we all carry, and to point us towards resources when we are ready to take them up.


There are a variety of coaches, and I strongly suggest that you enlist another person, professionally speaking, to help you on a given dimension of your life.  The progress that can be made in a shortened timeframe can be a seeming miracle.


If you have the appetite for compound coaches, as I have employed recently, watch out!  The results you can achieve may not be immediately obvious to those around you, but you will know that you have prepared for the lagging success that is sure to follow.



Times like this, they are exciting.



Hit me up if you want any detail on some of the services or folks I’ve alluded to here.  I’ll be outlining a few of them in detail in the coming weeks as well.



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