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For those of you that have been following me on this blogging journey over the last few months, you have likely noticed a fairly significant dropoff in terms of my active posting at this locale.


Well, I’m a very big believer in actions speaking much louder than words, so many talk about what they are going to do in advance of having any sort of track record.  So when things get quiet here, or when I’m nearby in person – just know that things are in motion.


I’ll be sharing a recap of my year from 2018 in the upcoming days, and in the meantime I’ll be sharing my annual review from 2017 to give you a flavor of what to expect as the 2018 self review comes to light.


The annual review is something I have not finalized, although I have been spending a lot of mental cycles taking stock of last year – it truly started around Thanksgiving.  My prevailing assessment at the moment is that 2018 was a mixed bag in a lot of ways, with an overall vibe of progress on many fronts in an unforced manner.  It was a year of inverting a lot of things, and beginning to understand some deeper truths about myself.


The journey continues could be the tag line from last year.  Anyway, that’s a little bit of the vibe you’ll get in the 2018 version.


Since mid-December, I have been doing some hard nosed health, longevity, and Artificial Intelligence related course work.  This is in addition to a few new adventures in a variety of Dimensions of Life.  I am in the midst of a crazy effective MindValley class at the moment that I’ll elaborate upon in the coming weeks.


The class is focused on longevity and health – with an incredible amount of science behind it.  My output and energy have skyrocketed in the two weeks since I’ve started it, and I am finding myself getting back to a very basic habit that I shelved for much of 2018 – meditation.


I have two other classes in my backlog, along with a special two day in person event I’ll be attending in March here in Dallas, TX – with a very compelling topic as the focus.  The class is being delivered by a podcaster I’ve mentioned on this site in the past, and you will be hearing a ton more on this in the coming weeks.


The largely silent treatment offered (my Instagram notwithstanding…) via social media, texts, my Facebook Messenger, and even my returning phone callas was a self imposed thing that I have toyed with each of the past years around my birthday.  I deliberately shut down much of my outreach and responsiveness to dig deep on a few things.


I have dug deep into myself on a few topics, and I have decided definitively on areas of improvement in my life that need to get as much energy as possible.  I have historically spread myself very thin in an attempt to achieve a breadth of goals.  This upcoming year will be one of exceptionally intense focus on just a few areas of my life, while ensuring that my relationships are properly invested into.


Outside of digging into my guts in the past few weeks, I have spent a substantial amount of time dropping hours upon hours on a few key topics that have me completely fascinated.


Longevity, brain health, and a variety of bio hacks.  Reading an incredible book on brain health at the moment.  I’ll be writing more about inflammation based upon what I am finding.  I’ll even let you in on a very recent hack has me naturally (no drugs or supps) and painlessly suppressing appetite while hammering away Keto style.


Then there are some professional topics I continue to invest into:  leadership coaching, artificial intelligence, and productivity/efficiency enablers.  I have gone deeper than I’ve shared publicly on coaching, and I’ll be elaborating substantially more on this topic in 2019.  My annual review will likely capture a fair amount on this topic, as I just invested 10 months of hardcore study/practice on this.  Life changing stuff.


Then there are some even more provocative things just waiting to be shared out.


So hey – I’m coming up for air after being sequestered away from the blogging and online social worlds while digging deep over the past few months.


2019 is looking immense, and it has been years in the making.





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