Andrenalize or Establish The Underpinning.

Earlier I posted about Jocko, and this notion of Extreme Ownership.


If you missed the YouTube vid of his Ted Talk, you should check it out.  It is riled-up-worthy shit.


After watching it end to end twice the other night, it dawned on me that this guy is an outlier.  Anyone that does Basic Underwater Demolition (BUD) Seal Schooling is already in vaunted territory in my book.  The mental toughness and resilience required to persevere through is something to be admired in my opinion.  To take that forward into combat, let alone as a commanding officer in combat.  This is rarified air.


I can honestly say that I have met a few men and women in my life that have this sort of mental toughness and calm resiliency.  My father being one of them.  He served.  As did my brother.  As did others in my family, and many on my social media.  I have much respect for those that have served, and for the families supporting those that served.


So if Jocko is so much of an outlier, and I have a handful of people that I have met in my life that exhibit similar resiliency – how do the rest of us actually achieve Extreme Ownership????


Don’t get me wrong, that video will get me fired up and pacing around my home.  Maybe you had a similar reaction?  So what.  Seriously.


Adrenalize and then do nothing, right?


This was my takeaway when I had time to process this message from Jocko.  How does one take extreme ownership.


Well I think this concept presupposes a bunch of shit that many just are not doing today.  Here’s where I’m at with this idea of Extreme Ownership:

  • Extreme Ownership. This is based upon…
  • Intention.  Which is based upon…
  • Clarity.  Which is based upon…
  • Your Mission.  Which is based upon…for those that have one…
  • Your Core Values.  Which are based upon…those that have spent the time….
  • Your Vision.  Which is based upon…for those that have one…
  • Your Routines.  Intentional routines, not the default ones… which are based upon….
  • Your Habits.  These again are the intentional type…which are based upon…
  • Your Choices.  Which are based upon…
  • Your Beliefs.  Which are based upon…
  • Your Awareness.  Which is based upon…
  • Your Level of Consciousness & Mindfulness


The core of your consciousness and mindfulness is something worthy of hitting in a future post, which is not the topic of today.


So while I love the video from Jocko, it really got me thinking of how does someone reach that point of ‘Lead to Victory’ every day for every team that you have in your life.


The outline above is one that I believe hangs together, and if you actually have a deep understanding of what underpins your ownership and leadership levels –


you will resiliently and consistently deliver in accordance with your beliefs.


If you have not put in the work, you will flame out due to a lack of conviction and likely turn to the next fad or even worse – fall back into the complacency that so many have in their day to day lives.


81 to go.