Freedom vs Independence

Are freedom and independence the same thing to you?

I’ve been debating what to write about on our national birthday, as I typically share something patriotic on days like today.  Not this year.  Let’s get personal.


Have you ever stopped to consider the differences and relationship between freedom and independence?



Freedom is defined as ‘the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.’



Freedom is earned over time as is independence. 



Freedom is achieved as you break through the inherent barriers that we must all face given our cultural bubbles and the mindsets we were delivered into as we grew up.  Jocko Willink says that ‘discipline equals freedom’ and there is a lot of truth in those words.  We all start with a certain level of freedom as humans being, and in this great country – we have a greater amount from the outset than many other countries in the world.


However, there many hindrances and restraints that have been foisted upon us by our own selves and many around us.  Breaking through those limitations and becoming a better version of yourself is what Jocko is getting at.  I believe there is more to achieving freedom than discipline, and I think he’d likely agree to that statement as well.  Action, energy, consistency – all are key ingredients to be mixed into the discipline we must employ as well.



Independence is defined as ‘freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.’


Achieving independence is a radical state for many in our current culture.  We all make compromises, sometimes knowingly and many times the compromise is insidious in nature.


It has become evident to me that this notion of independence is what I am after at the moment.  Over time, I will be increasingly independent and opting in for those things that I choose.  This is the current mission that I am on.  I will be the one compelling myself to do those things in my life for no other reason than it being my choice regardless of the topic or context.


I have made some great progress in the recent past, however there is much more work to do for the 50 year old version of myself.  That older version of myself is increasingly on my mind, and these 84 days of posts are as much for him as it is for myself and for you on this day – July 4, 2018.


I have seen too many people in my life nearing 50, 60, or even 70 having to ‘live with’ the choices that were intentional or unintentionally made from decades earlier.  For me, that is servitude of the worst kind, and the exact opposite of true independence.


As I consider myself in those outer ranges even beyond 70 – I fully expect to be living a life of choices given the work I am putting into everything around my life at the moment.  This is the beauty of independence.



Being independent is an absolute, where freedom is in many ways – subjective.


Freedom does not mean anything without independence.


You can be free but not independent.  You are still a sucker if this is the case, and you know know what – many do not even realize it.  I believe that by definition, independence fully realizes the freedom we are given.


Many live paycheck to paycheck – is that independence?


How about that ridiculous car payment you have to make each month – feeling independent?


Do you have time-based independence to do whatever you want on any day?  Sure you have the freedom to make a choice, however you likely have the consequences of such choices that very likely – keep you penned in.  This does not smell like independence to me.


My reality is such that I do not yet have independence as I wish to have it, however I am working towards it each day doing my best to get a little better in all the things I’ve got going on.  I know that the future version of myself will have much more independence given the work I’m putting today.


Those radicals in 1776 understood that freedom and independence were both individuated outcomes that each person needed to own for themselves.  They also understood that by setting up the laws as they did – that the people of the USA would have a better chance at realizing their God-talents and exercise their rights than many others in the world.


They also were willing to suffer and die for both freedom and independence.  Many of them did too…


Fast forward a couple hundred years, we have many in the military, public service, first responders, and other forms of service that are willing to put themselves in harms way to support this way of life.


I wonder how many of us in this country truly appreciate how well the table has been set for each of us to fully realize ourselves in this country?


I wonder how many of us in this country truly appreciate all of those serving in harms way to keep us all safe and sound – in support of our ongoing independence and freedom?



Happy 4th of July everyone, and I wish you increased independence this year.