And on the 85th day …

Now that the 84 days of bare knuckles is over, I’m taking stock of the 84 day journey from a few different perspectives.  I’ll be sharing some insights gathered from these past few weeks – beyond what has been posted.  You can be damn certain that there is a ton that has happened as a result of this new daily posting and writing habit that has spanned all sorts of devices, locales, hotels, beaches, waterfalls, summer vacations, health scares, and ongoing march of daily improvements.


Today’s post is about the redesigned look and feel of the site from the ground up, with a soft launch of the new site a few days back.  There were some snags on the iPhone on the blog posts with the prior design, and it seems these have been resolved with this refreshed design.  This is the fourth new look and feel, and I think this treatment is more in line than any of the prior revs.


I’ll be building out some additional categories for the content, and launch a few new main pages on the site to begin housing some tools/downloads for folks to pull down as they become available.  The new categories will be elaborated upon on this site in the coming weeks.  The categories are closely related to another project that has been underway for some time as well.


As for the type of content, the volume of content, and frequency of posts – this is all up for grabs at the moment.  I’ll likely be doing a variety of longer form posts from time to time, along with some shorter form posts like this one today.  I have heard from more than a few of you that the posts are too long, and a bit too frequent.  I have also heard from many of you that you have become accustomed to seeing something new pop each day.


I’ll be doing a bit of both, and I’ll continue to tweak the content of what I’m covering in time.


I’ll continue to hammer on the guidance of a mission-based lifestyle that is yours to design.


I’ll continue to hammer on the health and fitness topics as I have done here and here in the past.


And I’ll be introducing some new things too.


I’ve got some recipes that I think could be of use to a few of you keto and Brain Octane fans out there.


I’ll be posting out some more content focused on some emerging technology trends, as I have largely steered clear of this up until now.


I’m even toying with posting some soccer related content, as this is content that could help a few folks out there in my life.


And then there is a slew of new platform opportunities that are being explored, and a few strategies to employ in gaining even greater traction with the content being put out there.


A few of you have asked me to dig into some new topics that you are interested in, and I’m definitely onboard with that sort of thing.  I can honestly say that writing about a topic or two each day, many times a few days ahead of it being published – has truly caused me to learn a ton about a few new topics.  In addition, I have learned more and more about what gets me going in terms of topics, and I have an entire white board full of topics at the moment that need to be pulled into my digital system for ideas and articles.


So check the new look and feel when you get a chance, interested in your feedback when you get a second.  Also, look for incremental improvements over the next few days, some will be subtle – others more noticeable.


Thanks for riding shotgun over the past few weeks on this journey, now it is time to flip into a new gear of content production and building of this site with even more content that is focused on those things that warrant my time being invested into them.

