5MF – Where Did You Go?

Have you ever gone on a fast?  Like a real, multi-day fast?  Well in the past 10 days or so, I’ve completely steered clear of my Facebook.


I have deliberately withdrawn any posts on my Instagram, with zero updates in the past week or so.


I have dramatically reduced my activity on LinkedIn to less than once a day.


My Twitter – tumbleweeds.


My content production has also been substantially reduced in the past two weeks, this is even after I said that I’d be pushing out more content with a greater regularity.


I am even backed up big time on my call backs.






You know what?  I continue to see traffic with the Instagram activity still ramping, even as I have essentially disengaged for a brief moment.


The Facebook fast was deliberate, the other channels were not as hard nosed of a fast.


Things have been incredibly and very importantly – busy.

Very focused.

Distractions were avoided.


I wanted to see if I could take a break from the social media, and it was surprisingly easy.  A combination of motivations came together as I marched through the last couple of weeks, landing here in November – refreshed.


My ‘analog world’ has been dominating many cycles as of late, and I had reached a point of needing a mini sabbatical a few days back.  I found myself resetting a little over a week, and returning to some basic routines in preparation for the sabbatical.


The sabbatical held another unexpected set of transformations, and it confirmed for me that I absolutely needed to step back from the intensity of the past few weeks to recenter for the final two months of the year.  Even as the intensity raged, and my sabbatical came through as a reset – I found myself able to realize lifelong dream of entering into a unique real estate vehicle.  Long term benefits, even as the near term was seemingly overwhelmed.  This was something that came to me, as a result of putting myself out there, and I am pumped about this endeavor given my prior experience in real estate.


The goals I started this quarter with – remain very much the goals I will drive forward towards, even as I steal a glance at my 2019 plan too.


I’ve decided to consolidate a few online efforts into these pages in the coming weeks, and for those of you that have been reading my other online efforts – you will notice some familiar themes popping here.


The daily writing practice was halted for a few days in the past week – for the first time in weeks.  Instead, I have been spending the time consuming the research, and crafting the topics I’ll be hammering on in the coming weeks.


I’ll be focusing in on some key leadership topics, key habitual improvements that anyone can take aboard, and a few fitness bits that I have been meaning to share on these pages.


Oh, and there is a topic or two involving artificial intelligence, this notion of self awareness, and the emergence of truly understanding what consciousness as areas of research that have me incredibly excited in how this world of ours is already undergoing foundational changes – RIGHT NOW.


Substantial shifts have already happened in so many industries, and the effects of these pervasive trends are obvious to a handful of folks.  So many however, have a dimly lit understanding of what is truly going on around us when it comes to the transformative trends that are being invested into at the moment.  In three years, the trends will be obvious…I’ll be sharing some insights along these lines too.  At a minimum, I will share some tools and strategies that can be used to get you into a proactive posture, rather than the reactive one you likely find yourself in.


A bunch more to share, and I’ll start kicking over the replies and comments in your feeds again…


I’ll be returning phone and video calls too – I have a ton of follow ups as I come back online from this recent detour offline.  Looking forward to finishing these final two months of the year off as the best of the year.


Are you ready to finish 2018 strong?

Categories: 5MF